Barry Ansbacher, Paul Terry to be Panelists at 2024 CA Day Education Class

Two mature men in business suits, with one bald and wearing a blue suit with a pink tie, and the other with white hair in a black suit with a red tie, against a white background,

On Friday, February 23, Barry Ansbacher, Esq. and Paul Terry, Esq. will be on the legal panel for an education class at the 2024 Community Associations Institute (CAI) Day & Trade Show. Namely, CAI Day is an annual educational event for homeowner leaders, community managers, and the business partners that support them.

Titled “Financial Topics for Boards CEU,” this class will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Orlando World Center Marriott. This class is free to attend, but registration is required and there is limited seating.

To learn more about how you can attend this class, simply click here.