Jacksonville Boating Accident Lawyers

People throughout the state of Florida enjoy boating year-round due to the miles of coastline the region offers. As much fun as it is to go boating, it is also important for everyone on board to abide by safety regulations, as an enjoyable day on the water can quickly become tragic. Every year, many boating accidents happen throughout the state of Florida, which can result in serious physical, emotional, and financial burdens for the victims. If you or a loved one has been injured in a Florida boating accident, you can count on the experienced boat accident lawyers at Ansbacher Law to effectively represent your interests. Our Jacksonville Boating Accident lawyers have proudly served clients throughout Jacksonville and North Florida for decades. Contact Ansbacher Law today to learn how we can assist you.

Boat Accident Attorneys in Jacksonville, Florida

Boats are perfectly harmless, provided that all of the proper safety measures are taken. When someone on board is acting negligently, a serious accident can occur. Of course, sometimes accidents happen even when everyone is acting responsibly. Some of the many causes of boating accidents in Florida can include the following:

  • Poor weather conditions
  • Operator inexperience
  • Collisions with an object, such as a dock
  • Collisions with another boat
  • Failure to provide safety equipment on board
  • Rough waters
  • Speeding
  • Boating under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Boating Under the Influence Laws in Florida

Individuals operating boats are held to the same standards as all other types of motorists when it comes to alcohol consumption. Operating a boat with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent or higher in the state of Florida can result in a boating under the influence charge. It is also important to note that if the driver is under the age of 21 years old and has a blood alcohol content of 0.02 percent or greater, they can also face boating under the influence charges. If convicted of a charge of this nature, the consequences can be quite serious.

Recovering Compensation After a Boating Accident

If you have been seriously injured in a boating accident, you must consider your legal options going forward, as you may be eligible for significant compensation. This compensation is often referred to as “damages.” To recover damages, you will need an attorney to prove that you were injured due to another party’s negligence. A successful case will allow you to recover damages for your medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and more.

Contact a Jacksonville, Florida Boating Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a boating accident that was caused by another party’s negligence, you must consider your legal options. The boat accident lawyers at Ansbacher Law understand the physical, emotional, and financial burdens that you may face after an accident and are here to help. Contact Ansbacher Law today to learn how our experienced team of attorneys can represent your interests.

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