Can I Sue My Landlord After an Apartment Accident Injury in Florida?

Modern condo building with cubic design elements, large windows, and balconies, under a clear blue sky.

There are few things worse than feeling unsafe or at risk of harm in your own home, however, this is an unfortunate reality for many people across the state of Florida. If you were recently injured in an apartment accident due to no fault of your own, you are most likely now seeking financial compensation to help cover the cost of your medical bills, lost wages from being unable to return to work, and more. Please read on and reach out to our Jacksonville personal injury attorneys to learn more about whether you can sue your landlord after an injury and how our team can help. Here are some of the questions you may have:

How do most apartment accidents happen?

Apartment accidents generally occur as a result of negligence, either on the part of the landlord or the tenant. That being said, these accidents frequently occur when landlords fail to take various actions to ensure that their properties are safe for all tenants. Some of the most common types of landlord negligence are as follows:

  • Neglecting to install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Failing to ensure that all elevators and stairwells are safe for use.
  • Failing to ensure that playgrounds and other amenities in the apartment complex are safe.
  • Neglecting to ensure that flooring and balconies are secure.
  • Failing to ensure that tenants have access to clean water and air. For example, disturbed asbestos in the air can cause tenants serious harm.
  • Neglecting to ensure that apartment complex parking lots and sidewalks are safe for all passersby.

How do I know if I can sue my landlord after an apartment accident injury?

The bullet points mentioned above are just some of the ways a landlord can behave negligently, and the bottom line is that if you were hurt due to no fault of your own, you should have a valid claim. To win a premises liability claim, you and your Jacksonville personal injury attorney must gather and present sufficient evidence to prove that your landlord either knew or should have known about the unsafe apartment conditions, failed to take action to fix them, and that you were injured and sustained damages as a result. Though the statute of limitations for premises liability claims in Florida is, generally, four years, you should take legal action as soon as possible so we can begin fighting for your rightful compensation at once. Waiting any longer than four years will most likely relinquish your right to sue.

Contact our experienced Florida firm

Ansbacher Law is composed of knowledgeable attorneys who are ready to assist clients with various legal matters throughout North Florida. We understand the urgency of your personal injury claim and additional legal matters, which is why we provide each of our clients with compassionate and efficient legal assistance, every step of the way. Please contact our office for an initial consultation today.