Zachary Roth, Esq. Featured in First Coast News Story About Building Material Choices in Wake of RISE Doro Fire

Zachary Roth, Esq., of Ansbacher Law, was recently featured in a First Coast News story. The news segment focused on the recent fire at the RISE Doro, a downtown apartment building, and the broader implications of building materials used in such structures.

In the wake of the fire that engulfed the RISE Doro starting Sunday night, many have raised questions about the construction materials used for the building. Specifically, concerns were raised about the decision to use wood for the frame of the eight-floor apartment building. This choice of material is a common practice among developers, primarily due to its cost-effectiveness.

Zachary Roth, a respected real estate attorney at Ansbacher Law, provided insight on the matter. He noted that in the Jacksonville area, it is quite standard for buildings to be constructed with wood frames. “I think it would be unique in this area if they’re made out of something other than wood,” Roth stated. He further explained that wood is a less expensive alternative for builders, a sentiment echoed by Jacksonville Wealth Builders President Alex Sifakis, who affirmed that wood is the “least expensive way to build a seven-story, very dense building.”

Roth also clarified an important aspect of building codes, mentioning that “The building code allows [wood frames] up to a certain height.”

To read the article in full, simply click here.