If you are someone who rides a motorcycle in Florida, you are most likely wondering whether you are required to wear a helmet. Helmets are designed for your protection, so wearing one is always the smartest option, but do you have to? Please continue reading and speak with our experienced firm to learn more about motorcycle helmet laws, whether you qualify for compensation if you have been injured in an accident, and more. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What are Florida’s motorcycle helmet laws?
Every state has a statute in place regarding motorcycle helmet laws. In Florida, motorcyclists are generally required to wear helmets and eye protection. However, if you are 21 years or older and have insurance coverage of at least $10,000 for motorcycle-related injuries, you do not have to wear a helmet. Regardless of your age or your insurance policy, you are required, by law, to wear eye protection. That being said, though you may not be required by law to wear a helmet, you should still wear one for your own safety.
Do I qualify for compensation if I am injured in a motorcycle accident?
If you are injured in an accident, you will have to hire a knowledgeable Jacksonville personal injury attorney who knows how to satisfy the burden of proof. Simply put, if you can prove that you were injured due to another party’s negligence, you will most likely qualify for compensation. Some of the most useful forms of evidence for proving personal injury claims are surveillance footage of the accident, medical documents regarding the extent of your injuries, pictures of any damage to your vehicle, police reports documenting the incident, witness statements corroborating your claim, and more.
How much time do I have to sue someone after being injured in an accident?
If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, you may feel as though you wish to wait to see if your injuries heal on their own. This is completely understandable, though our firm cannot advise you to do so, as there is a statute of limitations in place that dictates the amount of time the wrongly injured have to sue the liable party. The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Florida is, generally, four years, which, under most circumstances, gives the wrongly injured four years from the date of their accident to file a claim against the party responsible. That being said, it is best you do not put off suing, for if you wait any longer than four years, there is a very good chance that you will be time-barred from doing so. Our firm is ready to begin the claims process on your behalf today.
Contact our experienced Florida firm
Ansbacher Law is comprised of knowledgeable attorneys who are ready to assist clients with various legal matters throughout North Florida. We understand the urgency of your personal injury claim and additional legal matters, which is why we provide each of our clients with compassionate and efficient legal assistance, every step of the way. Please contact our office for an initial consultation today.