Personal Injury Protection insurance, also known as PIP, is a type of no-fault insurance coverage that many motorists elect to purchase in Florida and throughout the country. Though it is advisable to carry this insurance, you may wonder whether you’re legally required to. Please continue reading and reach out to our skilled Jacksonville auto accident attorneys to learn more.
Do motorists have to carry PIP insurance in FL?
Florida is one of the states that mandates all motorists to carry $10,000 in Personal Injury Protection insurance. When a person who carries PIP insurance is injured in an auto accident, they should receive compensation to help them deal with their injuries, regardless of who caused the accident.
What does PIP cover?
In the state of Florida, PIP insurance covers up to 80% of an injured person’s medical cost and up to 60% of their lost wages (up to $10,000). You should also note that if your injury does not meet the technical standard of an “emergency,” PIP may only cover up to $2,500 worth of your injuries.
What if PIP doesn’t cover the full cost of the damages I’ve sustained?
When PIP insurance doesn’t cover the full cost of your injuries, you may have options. To start, you should note there’s a chance that your health insurance may pick up the rest of the tab as far as medical bills go, however, this still doesn’t account for property damage, the full cost of lost wages, and any other non-economic damages you’ve incurred as a result of your accident, such as pain and suffering or a reduced quality of life.
To get fully compensated for your injuries, you will need to hire a seasoned Jacksonville personal injury attorney who can help you gather and present evidence to prove that you were injured as a direct result of another party’s negligence in a personal injury claim. This is the opposite of a PIP insurance claim in that you are assigning liability to a specific party and suing them for damages.
As long as your claim is successful, you may receive compensation to help you deal with economic damages, such as the full cost of your medical bills and lost wages, and non-economic damages, such as emotional trauma, scarring/disfigurement, and, as previously mentioned, pain and suffering.
If you have any further questions about Personal Injury Protection insurance in Florida or you’ve been hurt in an auto accident and are looking to file a personal injury claim, contact the Ansbacher Law today for help.