There are few things more frightening and devastating than being involved in a dog attack. This is, in part, because we’ve come to trust dogs over centuries, and they’re now known as man’s best friend. Unfortunately, some dogs are poorly trained or simply have mean dispositions and will attack unsuspecting guests or passersby. If you are someone who was attacked by a dog, you may wonder if you can sue the dog owner for financial compensation to help cover the cost of your injuries. Please continue reading and speak with a competent Jacksonville personal injury lawyer from Ansbacher Law today to learn more about these incidents, how Florida law handles dog bite claims, and how our legal team can help you fight for the compensation you deserve and need. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What are the laws surrounding dog bite injury claims in Florida?
In the state of Florida, the laws are, for the most part, on the injured party’s side when it comes to dog attacks. Essentially, if you can prove that you were attacked either while you were lawfully on private property (such as at your friend or relative’s house as a guest) or while you were on public property (e.g. at a public park), there’s a strong chance you’ll have a valid claim. That said, you should understand that if the dog owner can prove that you provoked the attack in some way (such as by teasing the dog) or you were negligent in ignoring a “bad dog” sign and stepped foot into their property anyway and were attacked, the chances of you recovering compensation will be diminished.
What should I do to increase my chances of winning a claim?
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to bolster your personal injury claim. To start, you should call 911 and ensure your injuries are treated. You may need rabies shots or other treatment to prevent infection. You should also notify the dog owner and ask any witnesses for their contact information. If you can, take pictures of the injuries you sustained and ensure you keep copies of all medical documentation pertaining to your injuries. Finally, you should hire a competent attorney who can help investigate the matter further, such as by obtaining the dog’s medical records, asking neighbors whether the dog has a history of violent behavior, and more.
If you have any further questions or you need an attorney to represent you, give us a call today so we can get working on your case.
Ansbacher Law is composed of knowledgeable attorneys who are ready to assist clients with various legal matters throughout North Florida. Please contact our office for an initial consultation today.