Sidewalk Accidents in Jacksonville | What You Should Know

A snowy and icy residential street with visible tire tracks and an accident scene, showing accumulated snow on the curb and partly cleared asphalt, with a car's front corner visible on the left.

Sidewalk accidents are more common than you may think here in Florida, and if you’ve been hurt because of unsafe sidewalk conditions, you should strongly consider your legal options. Continue reading and speak with our experienced Jacksonville personal injury attorneys to learn more about sidewalk accidents in Florida and how our firm can help if you’ve been wrongfully injured in one. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What are the most common causes of sidewalk accidents?

Sidewalk accidents, as you can imagine, can happen for a variety of reasons. At times, they occur when someone simply missteps, trips, and falls. However, the unfortunate reality is that most sidewalk accidents are preventable, and occur as a result of negligence on the part of the sidewalk owner. Property owners are responsible for ensuring their sidewalks are safe for pedestrians, and when they fail to live up to this responsibility, people can sustain serious injuries as a result. Some of the most common unsafe sidewalk conditions that lead to serious slip or trip and fall accidents are as follows:

  • Potholes
  • Loose debris
  • Safety hazards left uncleared away
  • Uneven pavement
  • Standing water
  • Cracked or broken sidewalks
  • Large gaps left by missing slabs
  • Insufficient lighting
  • Exposed tree roots

These are just some of the ways in which a sidewalk can become unsafe for pedestrians, and if you were hurt in a sidewalk accident because of any of the aforementioned safety hazards, you may have a valid premises liability claim. Just make sure that you seek immediate medical attention after your accident, ask witnesses for their contact information, take pictures/videos of the unsafe conditions that caused your accident, and retain the services of an experienced Florida personal injury attorney as soon as you can.

How long will I have to sue a sidewalk owner for an injury?

The answer to this question depends on whether you were injured on a sidewalk owned by a municipality or a regular property owner, such as a landlord. In most cases, the statute of limitations allows the injured party to wait four years from the date of his or her accident to sue the party responsible for their injuries. However, if you were injured on a sidewalk owned by a municipality, you will have even less time to file a Notice of Claim, which is why it is so important that you bring your case to our attention as quickly as possible. We are prepared to assist you today–all you have to do is pick up the phone and give our firm a call.

Contact our experienced Florida firm

Ansbacher Law is composed of knowledgeable attorneys who are ready to assist clients with various legal matters throughout North Florida. We understand the urgency of your personal injury claim and additional legal matters, which is why we provide each of our clients with compassionate and efficient legal assistance, every step of the way. Please contact our office for an initial consultation today.