Easter Weekend Auto Accidents | What You Need to Know

A dynamic, motion-blurred view of a highway from a car's hood, featuring other vehicles, construction accidents and a vivid sunset with dramatic orange and pink skies.

Easter weekend, for many, is a time of celebration. Unfortunately, statistics show that Easter weekend, along with other holiday weekends, often results in a spike in auto accidents. Please continue reading and speak with our knowledgeable Florida personal injury attorneys to learn more about Easter weekend auto accidents and how we can assist you if you’ve been injured in one. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What are the most common causes of holiday weekend auto accidents?

Though at times, auto accidents are simply inevitable, this is generally not the case. When it comes to holiday weekend auto accidents, the two biggest causes are generally the high volume of traffic, as well as those who make the irresponsible decision to drive while under the influence of alcohol. Of course, other common types of driver negligence also come into play, including texting while driving, driving while fatigued, and more. Regardless of the cause of your accident, it is critical that you do everything you can to document the incident. This includes calling the police to the scene of the accident, obtaining the other driver’s insurance information, taking pictures of the damage to any property or vehicles involved in the accident, asking anyone who witnessed your accident for their contact information, and seeking immediate medical treatment. Once you are treated at a hospital and are once again in stable condition, you should retain the services of a knowledgeable Jacksonville personal injury lawyer who can gather and present all additional evidence needed to satisfy the burden of proof in your personal injury claim.

Is there a time limit on auto accident claims in Florida?

Yes, there is, which is why you must file your claim as soon as you can. This timeframe, known as the statute of limitations, allows those who’ve been wrongfully injured in accidents four years from the date of their accident to take legal action against the party responsible for their injuries. That being said, the longer you wait to file your claim, the harder it will be to track down witnesses, prove that your injuries were the direct result of your accident, and more, which is why the sooner you bring your claim to our attention, the better off you will be.

Contact our experienced Florida firm

Ansbacher Law is composed of knowledgeable attorneys who are ready to assist clients with various legal matters throughout North Florida. We understand the urgency of your personal injury claim and additional legal matters, which is why we provide each of our clients with compassionate and efficient legal assistance, every step of the way. Please contact our office for an initial consultation today.